Social safety net
Deliberate social policy is one core principles of CHKPZ activity.
The basis of business strategy implemented by CHKPZ Board of Directors is creation of mutually-beneficial partner relations between management of the company and its employees.
Chelyabinsk Forge-and-Press Plant conducts socially-oriented personnel recruitment policy thus preserving the main values of the company. Atmosphere of confidence and cooperation create comfortable working environment. Employees have equal possibilities for professional growths and skills development irrespective gender, nationality, religion and beliefs.
CHKPZ provides to its employees full package of social protection stipulated by Russian Federation Labour Code and own social programs and benefits.
Social benefits include partial payment for meals, payment for public dinners, presents for anniversaries, welfare to indigent families, unplanned paid leave in case of child birth, marriage or family member death.
The plant has uniform rules of conduct for everyday works. Corporate culture principles are applied not only on production but also on social and public actions on organization scale. It allows adapting new employees.
Employees’ passions and hobbies are also supported by organization management. Most of plant workers go in for sport, participate in city and region competitions, dance, sing and take part in theater plays. The plant supports its sports complex and culture centre in the organization of various social activities.
CHKPZ takes an active part in solving social problems of the settlement which arose around it. Every plant department is responsible for the area where employees carry out cleaning, restore damaged fences and install new playgrounds. The plant provides special machinery to help in snow removal and watering of roads.
The settlement has all necessary infrastructures which get support of the plant: 4 kindergartens, School #108, Boarding School #9, Post-Boarding School Adaptation Centre, Polyclinic #6, Sports Center, Cultural Center and a Health Complex (equipped with modern medical and cosmetological equipment).
Support of the Plant’s veterans is a separate direction of Chelyabinsk Forge and Press Plant’s social policy which is realized through Veterans Council.
The veterans take an active part in the Plant’s social life. Veterans Choir is called public choir. Concerts of choir are held at various music venues of the city and region.
Members of the organization are given financial aid and tickets to recreational centers.
Our veterans feel attention and care of plant’s management and employees.