Chelyabinsk Forge-and-Press Plant: new products, new markets

     Chelyabinsk Forge-and-Press Plant goes on to enlarge its production program of automobile component parts. In 2006 the plant started the production of 175 new forging parts, 19 new wheel types. The special vehicles shop started the production of heavy semi trailers with carrying capacity 38 ton. The first 60-ton heavy semi trailer with the carrying capacity 60 ton was sold in May on the exhibition ComTrans. The plant’s management assures that the production and profit increase is the result of new contracts concluded with business partners abroad and GUS-countries.
     - Chelyabinsk Forge-and-Press Plant increased deliveries to the companies included in GAZ Group recently, - Andrey Gartung, General Director of Chelyabinsk Forge-and-Press Plant, comments the plant’s activity, - So, Likinsky and Kurgansky automobile plants will assembly all their vehicles with wheels manufactured in Chelyabinsk. Negotiations about double increase of deliveries to KAMAZ and to Kazakhstan are expected to bring success. Besides that we are going to prepare and carry out several projects necessary to become a player on the world market.
     - In December 2006 Chelyabinsk Forge-and-Press Plant got the certificate ISO-9001. The plant’s management hope that the coming certification of the plant according to ISO/TS 16949 as well as the accomplishing of the planned technical reequipment in 2007 will allow to make direct contracts with the leading automobile manufacturers in the world and slowly gain such customers as Daimler Chrysler, Toyota, Renault.  Despite the fact that Chelyabinsk Forge-and-Press Plant is one of the leading suppliers of car component parts in Russia, it still faces difficulties common for many Russian industry enterprises, such as runout of basic assets, deficiency of qualified personnel, and low utilization of production capacities (35-40 per cents).
     - Solving of these problems is our most important task, - says Andrey Gartung. – So, in 2007-2008 we are going to implement the system of general training that means the continuous training of all employees at their work places. Last year the plant started implementation of lean production principles. Marketing and Sales departments are searching after the most effective ways to react quickly to the changes on the Russian market.

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